All future planting in the reserve gully area should be eco sourced and comply with the planting list.
This list is an extract from Hamilton City Council Gully Reserves Management Plan Dec 2007 Appendix 3
The list is an extract from a report by Landcare Research prepared by Beverly R. Clarkson and Bruce D. Clarkson in 1997 (revised April 2000) for the Ministry of the Environment.
Restoration by the community for the community. If you are interested in receiving an email notification every time the blog is updated then register your email on Co ordinators are Rex Bushell 854-0973 and Rod Lugton 855-9966 .
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Tree planting at Waiwhakareke

I went tree planting with Conservation Volunteers at Waiwhakareke Natural Heritage Park (Horse Shoe Lake) which is out by the Hamilton Zoo. Four of us planted 800 trees in one day. A good result I thought. Check out their website for more information as to what they are about and the history of the place.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Advised property owners
Notes were delivered today to the properties number 18 to 60 St James Drive and properties at the end of Bayswater Crescent between number 6 and 9 all of which back on to the gully, to advise them of what was happening regarding a service track and referred them to this blog for more information.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Starting to cut a service track

A day was spent cutting a service track from just north of the walk bridge on the west side across the creek and up the east side of the gully going north keeping to the base of the gully sides up to the back of No. 32. Quite a few people have been doing planting. However types of plants varied from exotics, natives that would not normally have been in this type of gully system, domesticated natives to the genuine thing. A page will be set up on this blog of plants that are suitable for the gully sides so those wishing to plant can do so with the correct plant types that are eco sourced. Always consider the ultimate height of the tree. The larger trees like Totara and Rimu should be planted near the bottom of the gully sides while the smaller trees like Kowhai and shrubs can be planted never to the tops.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Article by Wayne Bennett
Article submitted by Wayne Bennett of:
Forest Restoration is not Gardening. In a garden we choose the plants we like the look of and modify the ground to suit the plants:- --- When restoring natural areas we think of natural patterns and processes. Rather than modify the site to suit a plant we choose the plants to suit the site: ----- This is an important starting point for anyone interested in restoration. Read the whole article. The tag for this page is above.
Forest Restoration is not Gardening. In a garden we choose the plants we like the look of and modify the ground to suit the plants:- --- When restoring natural areas we think of natural patterns and processes. Rather than modify the site to suit a plant we choose the plants to suit the site: ----- This is an important starting point for anyone interested in restoration. Read the whole article. The tag for this page is above.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
Set up a links page
Check out a new links page. If you know of others please tell me and I would be happy to add their website link.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
(A DRAFT) Gully Restoration Vision
Just posted the first "page". See the tag at the top of this (Home) page. Feed back, corrections, additions, guidance, comments would all be welcome.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Extracting Kowhai seed for their pods
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Gathered eco sourced kowhai seeds

Kowhai seeds were gathered from the Waikato river bank just south of Te Awa reserve. For those that may be interested in getting their own you drive down Pencarrow Road, which is left off the Hamilton airport road from Tamahere, just before you go over the bridge. Te Awa road is off to the right. You can park at the reserve and walk down to the river on a track. Go south (up river) a little further than the end of the track and there are three very old Kowhai trees half way up the bank. At this time of the year pods could be collected off the ground. Earlier in the year you would need a poll with a hook to get the pods off the trees.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Rescued Kowhai Seedling
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Check pest proof fence

I went to Maungatautari Mountain and did the monthly check by walking a 2km section of the 47km pest proof fence. There is a vehicle service track on the outside that follows the fence line. At times this gets worryingly steep when you are in a vehicle! This fence is made from a stainless steel mesh and is a permanent barrier to all mammalian pest species. The inside has been pest free for the past 4 years enabling the native flora and fauna to fully recover.
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