Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Very busy with winter planting

500 plants supplied by HCC have gone in on the south-facing gully slope at the back of Sexton Road. Access through Amanda and Grant’s place at 47 Sexton Road made getting the plants on site a lot easier. The grassing of the gully slope has stabilised the surface and it is looking really good. The photo does not do it justice. Give it three years growth and the slope is going to look fantastic.

The $500 grant from the Honda fund bought plants that went in on another gully slope easily seen on the west side of the main board walk.

Those walking the main track will see clearing and planting has been done along the main creek as the track rises up to Sexton Road.

Other plants raised in our shade house have been planted all over the gully. Tawa for example are frost tender when young. One metre high plants have been selectively planted in suitable locations.

Service track nears completion

We have boxed and put a pit sand base down for the service track along the base of the Sexton Road south face. This is a no-exit track but gives us easy access to the gully branch that we are restoring. It was funded by the Hamilton City Council’s community funding scheme which we successfully applied to earlier in the year.

Native Pigeon in Hamilton

This photo was taken in the gully between Bellwood Place and Porritt Stadium by Kemble Putney in early June. It has been seen several times within the same vicinity.
There are spasmodic sighting of Native Pigeon (kereru) and Kaka in Hamilton. It is important that these are registered on the Halo website so that we can get a handle on the numbers and see if there are any trends developing. The link direct to the recording page is:


I guess it was only a matter of time before we had a graffiti “artist” making a nuisance of themselves in our area. While we acknowledge that the two paintings did have some artist merit, as opposed to a scribbled tag signature or message, it is not what we are wanting in and around the gully. The council “Graffiti Busters” team responded very quickly to cleaning it off once they have been notified. The best way of discouraging graffiti is to remove it quickly. I know some of you walk across the bridge twice a day during school term. If any of you notice graffiti or tagging please either text (021-237-3857) or email me so we can get the “Graffiti Busters” onto cleaning it off quickly.

Mangaiti Gully Restoration Trust AGM 2014

As a charitable trust it is required, by law, to hold a formal Annual General Meeting each year. Our financial year finishes on the 30th June so we usually like to get the AGM tidied up as soon as possible after that date. The AGM is open to the public.

Place: 7 Carisbrook Place, Rototuna, Hamilton
Date: 12th August 2014
Time: 7:00 pm

Minutes of the   2013 AGM
Matters arising

Chairman’s annual report
Secretary’s annual report & correspondence
Treasurer’s annual report

Confirmation of Trustees
Election of officers if required
Re-confirmation of the trust deed

General Business