Halo are keen to keep their records up to date. They are finding that now the Tui is becoming more common people are no longer sending in their sightings. They would like you to call 0800 800 401 or visit the halo website
http://www.waikatoregion.govt.nz/hamiltonhalo and log in your sightings.
I thought I saw a pair of Bell Birds in the gully last month but I could not be certain.
Our Tui and Bell Birds are totally unconcerned as to whether they feed on indigenous plants or not. You might like to consider planting a STERILE form of
Prunus campanulata in your garden or a banksia. Both flower before the Kowhai so are a good source of nectar for our birds.
Please do not plant them in our gully and make sure the cherry is a sterile variety. The birds scatter the seed of the fertile variety far and wide and they become a weed.