Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Rototuna Primary School embraces their name

Rototuna can be loosely translated to “the lake of eels.” The school has been very active in embracing the eel within their school identity by educating all the classes in the unique life cycle the eels have. This has been done in a number of ways. They negotiated with Hamilton City Council to get street art about eels painted on the path to the foot bridge. All classes have, or are, being taken down to the feeding spot in the gully to see the eels. They asked us to design a sign to be erected at the eel feeding spot that explains the life cycle of the eel. This sign will also help to protect the eels from poachers (fishing) which is always a risk, by educating the public how unique eels are and that they need protection. The sign has been made and the timber bought for the posts and frame, but it is yet to be installed.

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