Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Starting to cut a service track

A day was spent cutting a service track from just north of the walk bridge on the west side across the creek and up the east side of the gully going north keeping to the base of the gully sides up to the back of No. 32. Quite a few people have been doing planting. However types of plants varied from exotics, natives that would not normally have been in this type of gully system, domesticated natives to the genuine thing. A page will be set up on this blog of plants that are suitable for the gully sides so those wishing to plant can do so with the correct plant types that are eco sourced. Always consider the ultimate height of the tree. The larger trees like Totara and Rimu should be planted near the bottom of the gully sides while the smaller trees like Kowhai and shrubs can be planted never to the tops.

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