Sunday, June 12, 2016

Pest control

Hamilton City Council contractors, Biosecurity, are doing the second bait control for rats. They started on 13th April and will have their bait stations out until the 16th July.
Tracking card showing rat prints
We serviced our bait stations last on the 20th February. By the 19th March all but three stations (out of twelve) had the baits cleared out by rats. That would be the most activity we would have had since we started our rat control programme in January 2012. Knowing Biosecurity were installing their bait stations we cleared the bait out the remaining three on the 19th March.
We have thirteen tracking tunnels to monitor rat activity through our gully and down to the south end of Sovereign Isles. Inked cards were put out on the 13th April just prior to the Biosecurity drop and three had rat prints all up the Sexton Road end. We will monitor again after the 16th July.
We believe the reinfestation of both rats and possums is very high.  The only way to arrest this is probably to extend the control area so that it creates a buffer zone to our restoration area.

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