Wednesday, February 14, 2018

In 2017 we built 266 metres of Tracks and board walks

 Part of our management plan is that, as we clear an area for planting, we put in tracks or board walks so that our volunteers have easy access to plant and maintain the areas. If the ground is firm enough we build tracks. If it is muddy then we go for board walks. Board walks are twice the price of tracks to build so a track is always our first option.  In 2017 two tracks and board walks were completed. One is the eastern (east side of the stream) ring track which is 186 metres long and the other going south below the pond is what we call Michaels track and is 80 metres.
Our trust had funding support of $2,800 from the Hamilton City Council Community Funding pool and $500 from Trust Waikato. The balance of $344 came out of Mangaiti’s Trust general funds account.

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