Sunday, September 23, 2018

Longfin eels

Signs at each bridge encouraging people not to kill the eels
We have longfin eels in our gully system. The children up the Gordonton Road end of the stream feed them with raw cheap barbeque sausages. These eels get very friendly and are great fun to watch. There are two species in our stream, the shortfin (the smaller more common one) and the longfin which is classified as “at risk – declining”.  
It is of concern that we see signs of fishing and killing of eels in the gully. We cannot stress enough how enjoyable it is to feed them and enjoy seeing them. Killing them is pointless destruction particularly when most people would not be able to tell the difference between the longfin (classified as “at risk – declining”) and the more common shortfin eel.

Feeding the eels can be very rewarding

This link takes you to some interesting information about eels on the Stuff website:

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