Saturday, August 3, 2019

More about eels

Long finned eel in Mangaiti Stream need protection
The Long Finned eel is really heading towards extinction. It is just a pity that bureaucracy could not move a little faster to prevent this from happening.
To quote a letter to the editor “The Sunday Star Times July 14, 2019”
What a fascinating and eye opening article by Charlie Mitchell on the sad state of the New Zealand long finned eel (Focus July 7). Why has the moratorium on commercially fishing these as recommended by Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment Dr Jan Wright in 2013 not happened? And, as highlighted in the piece, why does killing a kereru merit a $100,000 fine or a year in prison, yet the much more endangered eel is allowed to be minced in dam turbines or caught and exported live?
It’s madness.
Fiona McAllister, Mt Maunganui

Here is the link to Charlie Mitchell’s article: It is a really good read.

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