Monday, June 8, 2020

Eel signs and ongoing threats

New signs ready for installation

The threat to our eel population is ongoing. In March eleven eels were poisoned at the Haswell Place stormwater outlet. This would have been caused by some person putting a poisonous substance into the stormwater system.
We appear to have arrested the fishing of eels by installing signs. The temporary signs, erected some years ago, are being replaced with permanent ones with a QR code. When this is scanned on a smart phone, it takes the user to a DOC You Tube clip about longfin eels, and why it is important to give them protection. It is the longfin eels that have a classification of “at risk, declining”.
Click on this link  to see eels, including longfin, and giant kokopu. This was filmed in the Gordonton Stream section of Mangaiti Gully by a local resident. This demonstrates the importance of protecting the habitat of freshwater fauna as we restore our gully back to native flora cover.

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