Monday, June 8, 2020

Track building complete

We build tracks to give us access to areas that we are actively restoring. Our track and boardwalk design has been developed over the ten years we have been restoring our section of the Mangaiti Gully.  One of the main criteria for the tracks is that we can easily use wheelbarrows on them, our main mode of transport for haulage. The latest 150 metres was completed in June and was funded by a Lillian Valder Grant (Administered by Forest and Bird). This brings an end to track building, with 1.4 km built over ten years. We now have easy access to all our section of Mangaiti Gully.
While these tracks are built as service tracks, they are available to be used by the community. During lock down there was a marked increase in the community “exploring” the gully.

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